
jueves, 28 de mayo de 2020


       Do you think going to school is really necessary? Most people would think this is the best way to study, but despite studying at school is the most common, homeschooling is a great option to study nowadays because it has some positive effects such as personalized learning, children don’t have to face bullying, and they can learn more about what they really want to know about.

       Nowadays, it is known that every person has different types or styles to learn. In this way, homeschooling allows a personalized learning for each individual contrary to schools that offer just generalized learning, and it is something that could be especially needed for those who have any kind of disorder that makes their learning process difficult such as in cases of dyslexia, dyscalculia, dysgraphia, etc. For these reasons, it is a better option to study in homeschooling than a common school. “The core idea of homeschooling is the idea that kids need to learn at the speed, and in the style, most appropriate for them” (Weller, 2018). This helps many children to have a way to learn that is more qualified than the usual learning, so they can improve their skills even more.
       Another important point is that children don’t have to deal with bullying as commonly happens at schools. “Plenty of critics argue these downsides are actually good for toughening kids up, but kids who are bullied more often face symptoms of depression and anxiety, do worse in class, and show up to school less frequently” (Weller, 2018). This is a serious problem that is avoided with homeschooling, and it helps in the development of children because they have the opportunity to study in a place free of bullying. It means that their emotional and mental health is not being affected, and they can learn peacefully without facing with situations of bullying.
       An interesting thing about homeschooling is that children can learn more about what they really want to know about. It is something amazing for children because sometimes they prefer certain subjects or things to learn about since they are kids. In this case, in homeschooling is possible for them to learn more and more about things that they are really interested in, what is something that is not possible in common schools.Without formal curricula to guide their education, homeschoolers get the chance to explore a range of topics that might not be normally offered until high school or college. They can study psychology in fourth grade, or finance in eighth grade” (Weller, 2018). So, it is an advantage that provides to the children the opportunity to be focused in different things despite of their age.
       To conclude, homeschooling is something that improves the process of learning in children because it supplies their necessities better than at schools because they can have a personalized learning for each of them depending of their types or styles to learn, then they don’t have to face with bullying that can affect them with things such as depression, and also they can learn more about what they really want to know about, what makes them to be more interested in learning. Homeschooling is a great way to learn in which every child can learn with quality, so if more children adopt this kind of learning, it will be possible for them to acquire better knowledge. Besides, they could get really interested for learning.


Weller, C. (2018, January 21). Homeschooling could be the smartest way to teach kids in the 21st century . Retrieved from BUSINESS INSIDER :

jueves, 21 de mayo de 2020

PCs And Laptops Improving Our Lifestyle

What would do you prefer to use? A PC or a laptop? Many people would prefer laptops, but even that there are things why some people would prefer to use a PC. Depending of your necessities, you can choose between a PC or a laptop for the battery advantages, for the utility and for the commodity that they can give you at the moment to use them.

         Laptops are better in the battery use and the utility that they have nowadays than PCs. Laptops has an advantage for their way of better charging than PCs. Laptops can be on without the necessity to be connected, in that way if the energy is off for a storm, there is not the problem that the laptop will turn off immediately because it gives you time to save your documents or the work that you have been doing. Then, laptops has an utility really necessary nowadays that PCs don’t which is that you can move your laptop to one place to another without complications, if you have a presentation you just need to get you charger with the laptop and it is going to be possible for you to use it in your presentation. In the way of commodity, in certain way laptops could be less commodes than PCs because even though laptops need less space to use them, there is some people that prefers PCs, for they can work on them in a healthy form. Laptops have added the keyboard and the mouse what makes that people cannot take too much distance from the screen and it affects their ayes because they get irritated easily.
        On the other hand, PCs has an inconvenient for the way of charging, but they are more commodes to use than laptops. PCs have the disadvantage of the charge because they depends of the energy that the charging cable provides to them, so if the energy get off the computer will get off immediately and you can lose the things in which you were working on. The utility that PCs have is really good because you can work on them as in a laptop, you can do homework, do things from the job, etc., but we cannot move them, so in this case it is a utility that the PCs cannot offer. PCs were of the first technologies that appeared for facilitating our jobs, the way to do homework, etc., then there was a better way to use this technology and appeared the laptops. Despite that, PCs still have a great advantage, for some people which is that PCs are more commodes than laptops in the way of vision healthy because they can take more distance from the screen of a PC than from the screen of a laptop. Besides you can move the keyboard were you think it could work better for you, and also you can move the mouse more easily, so that is something that you cannot do with a laptop.
        Laptops and PCs are really useful, because they both have helped us to work better, easier, more efficient, and faster than before. PCs were of the ones that started that innovation where many people experimented the change of working with them. Then, this technology improves to a laptop that can be used in the same form but with some more qualities such has the utility of the movement to one place to another easily and that there is a better way in which the battery charge function. Even that, I prefer to use PCs for something such as the commodity because I can take certain distance to protect my eyes from irritation, and also I prefer PCs for the mobility that I can do of the keyboard and the mouse. 

jueves, 14 de mayo de 2020


Have you ever thought about playing a sport? There are many sports you can practice, so I decided to start playing volleyball when I started seventh grade in my school when I was thirteen. Despite I love this sport I got a lesson to remember. All started at the end of that year. As team we got the opportunity to participate and compete with other teams in a place near my city.

    So, I wanted my team to win and I started practicing hard during those three weeks before the match. I tried to be concentrated when as team we would practice at the school to improve what I knew about volleyball. The days passed quickly and there was just one week for the match.

    In the last week I felt that I had improved while playing and also my coach noticed that, I was happy because maybe I could be the captain of my team for the match we had to attend, for that reason I continued practicing hard all those days. The time for the match came. I prepared everything and my team and I went to the place for the match. The teacher gave as the instructions and then we waited until our turn to play.
    Finally, it was our turn, but at that moment the coach did not select me to play. I did not understand why he had taken that decision, I felt really bad. During all the match, I was just watching how my team was playing, we got the second place. Then I understood that the coach did it because I was eating too much before the match and that was something that could had affected me if I had played.
    It was the only reason why I did not play that day. I tried to understand it and I took it as a big lesson. I was eating because of my nerves and I did not think about the consequences. Now, I know exactly something I should not do before a match, it was a bad experience, but I continue loving volleyball.